Leaving Open Energy Market
01 October 2019
Photo: Andrew Neel - Unsplash
Five years ago today I joined Open Energy Market. The plan was to create a new technology-focused commercial energy buying platform. It was an industry that managed their data in spreadsheets. There was no transparency for clients in either costs or the value in their data. There was zero competition between the suppliers. It seemed like an opportunity to build something new in an industry that could still be disrupted.
Five years on and the company is still growing from strength to strength. At one of our regular company days recently we took the time to sit back and look at what we have achieved. The market is saturated with brokers of varying sizes but we now just sit outside the top ten. We manage a significant percentage of commercial consumption in the UK and have launched products new to the market which customers are keen to buy into. None of the ten top brokers is providing access for customers to their data in the way we have. They know that in doing so it will reveal the high costs and charges they have hidden for years.
I have been very fortunate to work with some great people over the last five years. As the company has grown we have brought in some very experienced people who have added real value. From the early days in a small, mouldy office in Surbiton to our current offices in Guildford and Bromesgrove change has been a steady constant, always for the better. Some of the early team have gone, some have even left to found their own companies.
Yesterday marked my last day at Open Energy Market. Five years is a long time to lead the development of one product. Taking the prototype through the early customer lead iterations through to the investment last year. Moving beyond the excitement of investment and into the next stage of the companies growth. I am proud of the technology we have built in such a changing environment. I am also aware of the opportunity in front of the company and the longer-term company plans. Now felt like the right time to pass the reins on to the right person to lead these second phase.
Personally, my proudest achievement is the technology team I built. A small team that grew over a few years and which seems like a second family. Some I have worked with before, all I hope to again in the future. A remote team that showcased all the benefits of such teams. Finding great people regardless of location that is so productive that collectively you can achieve great things. From my early compadre Saurabh through to Clare, Andrew, Irene, Liam, Paul, Manish and Reena I thank you all. You have made the last five years fun and rewarding journey for me. Our discussions, planning, realisations and technical achievements have made me think in ways I may never have. I hope you all got as much from me as I from you.
I wish Chris and the whole Open Energy Market team all the best for the exciting times that lay ahead. I will be following their progress closely.
I am going to take a small amount of time before embarking on my next roles. I am keen to continue working with small teams and early startups as the energy and excitement they generate is addictive. I will now have time to provide advice and support where needed and take up some of the opportunities presented to me.
If you wish to discuss an opportunity please contact me via twitter or email.